Take Time For Yourself

Being stuck in my dorm room for the past two days has given me time to self reflect. I’m a big believer that God will slow you down when you need it the most. For the past month I’ve been ripping and running here, there, and everywhere in between, I’ve had speaking engagements, opportunities to participate in community service activities, in addition to class and sorority engagements. With that said, I’ve had a lot on my plate without any time to myself.  I will admit that being as sick as I’ve been these few days is not the ideal way I wanted to have time for myself but it has given me an opportunity to just BREATHE.

I often get so worked up into all of the things that I have going on, that I lose sight of self. I think that we’ve all been there. We try to please all of these people in our lives and forget about what pleases us. I say all of this to say, don’t forget about you. You may be a busy little bee, as I am, but it’s always OK to use an hour to collect your thoughts, run a bath, take a walk, or whatever makes you smile.

Now, be great!

From Me to You, Love.

Shaakira White

One thought on “Take Time For Yourself

  1. Dearest Daughter, No truer words have been spoken. Always take time out for you or life will find a way to slow you down. I am proud to be your mother! Take care of yourself and keep inspiring others to reach their goals in life. Always put God first and he will continue to bless you beyond what you can comprehend. Love Mom

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